Thank you for choosing our service
For your convenience in shopping at the Livinggreenstar website, we have detailed step-by-step instructions to help you order quickly.
We have 2 ordering methods as follows
1. Call the company directly, there will be a support staff to advise:
Office hone: 02 87122725
Hotline: 0468898063
2. Order directly at:
Step 1: If you already know the product code that you want to buy, just type it in the search bar
In addition, you can search for products by category or by product attribute filter field to find the fastest product to buy.
Step 2: To buy a product, you just need to click on the Buy button immediately you will be redirected to the order declaration page and press check out
Step 3: Fill in the required information such as your full name, enter email, phone number, delivery address, and notes (if any), and then choose the method of payment, and click the “Place Order” button
Your order has been sent successfully. The company’s customer service department will contact you through the order for further instructions.